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Increased friction on smooth surfaces
minimizes slipping and accidents
FLEXO NON-SKID (NS) is a unique combination of
our standard PET material braided together with a matching thread of a high-friction polymer.
NS is engineered primarily for wire and cable management in smooth floor, high traffic environments such as broadcast studios where someone might inadvertently step on a cable snake and slip.

As long as there's no excessive pressure on cables protected with NS, the entire snake glides easily and quietly along the floor. When local pressure is applied, such as someone stepping on the cable, the high friction material comes in contact with the floor and reduces the possibility of the cable sliding out from underfoot.

NS is substantially less "slippery" than our regular PET, yet provides the same level of flexibility and protection from cable wear and abrasion.
• Manages and protects cable snakes
• Increases safety in high traffic areas
• Economical and easy to install
• Cut and abrasion resistant
• Expands up to 150%


Vare beskrivelse Varenummer Dimension (mm) Enhed Pris
Non-skid 1/4" (6 mm) NSN025 3,2 - 11,1 Pr. meter 10,55
Non-skid 1/2" (13 mm) NSN050 6,4 - 19,1 Pr. meter 21,05
Non-skid 5/8" (16 mm) NSN063 9,5 - 25,4 Pr. meter 25,20
Non-skid 3/4" (19 mm) NSN075 12,7 - 31,8 Pr. meter 32,20
Non-skid 1 1/4" (32 mm) NSN125 19,1 - 44,5 Pr. meter 47,45
Non-skid 1 1/2" (38 mm) NSN150 25,4 - 63,5 Pr. meter 54,30
Non-skid 2" (51 mm) NSN200 38,1 - 88,9 Pr. meter 66,40


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Hvad skal du vælge?
Increased friction on smooth surfaces
minimizes slipping and accidents
FLEXO NON-SKID (NS) is a unique combination of
our standard PET material braided together with a matching thread of a high-friction polymer.
NS is engineered primarily for wire and cable management in smooth floor, high traffic environments such as broadcast studios where someone might inadvertently step on a cable snake and slip.

As long as there's no excessive pressure on cables protected with NS, the entire snake glides easily and quietly along the floor. When local pressure is applied, such as someone stepping on the cable, the high friction material comes in contact with the floor and reduces the possibility of the cable sliding out from underfoot.

NS is substantially less "slippery" than our regular PET, yet provides the same level of flexibility and protection from cable wear and abrasion.
• Manages and protects cable snakes
• Increases safety in high traffic areas
• Economical and easy to install
• Cut and abrasion resistant
• Expands up to 150%


Vare beskrivelse Varenummer Dimension (mm) Enhed Pris
Non-skid 1/4" (6 mm) NSN025 3,2 - 11,1 Pr. meter 10,55
Non-skid 1/2" (13 mm) NSN050 6,4 - 19,1 Pr. meter 21,05
Non-skid 5/8" (16 mm) NSN063 9,5 - 25,4 Pr. meter 25,20
Non-skid 3/4" (19 mm) NSN075 12,7 - 31,8 Pr. meter 32,20
Non-skid 1 1/4" (32 mm) NSN125 19,1 - 44,5 Pr. meter 47,45
Non-skid 1 1/2" (38 mm) NSN150 25,4 - 63,5 Pr. meter 54,30
Non-skid 2" (51 mm) NSN200 38,1 - 88,9 Pr. meter 66,40


Techflex Danmark | Marielundvej 45 B | 2730 Herlev | Telefon: +45 70 22 38 11 |